We have worked together with the German farmers and Great Flour Mill in Hildeheim Hasede near Hanover which produces high quality gains and non-GMO wheat.

Safety is also heavily emphasised in Nick Vina Artisan Bakery’s produced goods and procedure. We sourced wheat from Hildesheim Börde, the best region in Germany when it comes to wheat production as it has an extremely fertile loess soil. All wheat and grains used are unbleached, contain no additives and non-GMO farming. It is also subject to strict laboratory specification testing to ensure that the safety guidelines are adhered to.

Nick Vina Artisan Bakery’s wheat flour and selected healthy baked goods are endorsed by the Singapore Health Promotion Board for Healthy Choice Symbol Whole Grain Product. We focus more on grain baked products. We are also a trusted member of the US Whole Grain Council in Boston, United States of America.

At Nick Vina Artisan Bakery, we specialise in traditional baking techniques with our cultured sourdough and stone steam oven. Most of our baked goods are produced using these techniques as we believed in the appeal and reputation of long-standing baking techniques.
Nick Vina Artisan Bakery has been acknowledged by various publications and organisations which include:

'Best Multigrain Bread in Singapore' by Epicure (February 2018)